Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Red Lace

Don't think there was anything too unique about my outfit. I wanted to keep it simple but sophisticated. Unfortunately, you can't really see in the pictures but the skirt actually has some draping in the front. I kept all my accessories basic-swapped out by typical brown braided bracelet for a silver charm bracelet and just wore my usual infinity necklace. Thought I had lost these red/black earrings but after some digging in my jewelry box, I found it! Love when that happens. I hope you're all enjoying what's left of the holiday season and 2011!


  1. Ola menina portuguesa a viver em NY. Eu sou uma portuguesa a viver na Grecia...gostei MUITO do teu blog, vou seguir! Eu tenho um cantinho/blog pequenino, se tiveres tempo vem espreitar!
    Beijos e um bom ano de 2012 cheio de coisas boas!!!!

  2. BTW...gostei muito desse teu top vermelho! Tambem vou usar RED nesta passagem de ano!!!!♥
