Wednesday, January 4, 2012

12 in 2012

I saw this 12 in 2012 post over at Blue Collar Catwalk and really loved the idea. I'm not the biggest fan of making resolutions, because I've found they leave a lot of room for disappointment. Instead, I prefer to call the below 12 hopeful wishes for 2012.

1. Learn that balance is key. Any free time I have is spent with my family and occasionally visiting the boyfriend (long distance is no fun). Whenever I would come home for vacation, I would spend every second with my family since I rarely saw them otherwise. Now that I'm back here for good, I need to realize it's okay to stray a bit and spend more of my time with friends.

2. Re-explore home. As I mentioned above, I recently returned home to the city after graduating from school.  Sometimes I feel like I haven't seen nearly enough of the city- it's almost like being raised here has held me back in a way.

3. Take fashion risks. Who cares if my mom gives me a funny look when she sees my outfit or if I look different with red lipstick? That's the point, right?

4. Be healthy. I know this is an oh-so-typical "resolution" but the idea behind this is actually very similar to number 3. I tend to get easily discouraged. I don't want to put a number on it- don't want to lose a certain number of pounds, eat a certain amount of calories or go to the gym however many times per week. I just want to simply make the effort to be the healthiest version of myself that I can be.

5. Dabble in DIY. Some of my favorite DIY blogs are P.S. - I Made This and I Spy DIY. I can't tell you how many projects I have bookmarked. I've I want to try out at least a couple.

6. Stop over thinking. It's a very bad habit of mine.


7. Keep up with blogging and have the courage to take pictures outside! I love everything about blogging, and it's taken a lot to finally step out of my comfort zone and create this little space just for me. I hope I keep up with it and don't get discouraged if life gets too busy and prevents me from posting as often as I'd like. Also, I'm a little intimidated by taking pictures outside (there are a lot of people walking around!) but I love how outside photos look, so I want to try to take as many ask I can.

8. Thrift. There are a bunch of thrift shops I have been wanting to visit. I've only scratched one off my list. As much as I love H&M, I think I owe my closet some good thrift finds.

9. Pay attention to my skin. The only good thing I do is wear SPF and that's because it's already in my make-up. I rarely moisture my skin and am bad at washing and exfoliating my face before bed (oops!).  Need to make some changes.

10.  Tweet more! I love looking back at old tweets- it's almost like a short diary of what I was doing or thinking.

11. Keep my closet organized. SoHo = small spaces and even smaller closet space. When I'm in a hurry, I grab something out and 10 other things come out with it which results in me shoving everything back and running out the door.

12. Plan ahead. Everything. Jotting down reunions and dinners are reminders of the fun things I have coming ahead. Scheduling in gym days will help make sure I actually go. If I know I'll be away have queued posts ready or reach out to guest bloggers.

More than anything else, I just want have a better 2012 than 2011. I think the above 12 ideas will make that happen!

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